

Dear Diary : Si Canon

nandani ♥

Alhamdulillah ini kamera dslr ku yang pertama hasil dari tak bosan-bosannya mengetuk pintu hati mamah dan ayah untuk membelikannya :D hanya bisa mengetuk pintu hati mereka, mau nabung pun gak mungkin, secara uang saku bulanan cuma berapa dan harga dslr itu berapa -___- keburu dslr uda jadi barang langka -_-  dan mendapatkan ini juga penuh pengorbanan.
Pada suatu malam, singkat cerita LCD leptop biru Toshiba ku PECAH! Dan harga LCD bisa separoh harga dari leptopnya dan kalo ngurusi LCD terus dslr gak bisa kebeli dong. Aku juga butuh banget leptop tapi butuh dslr juga. Setelah sholat Istikharoh beberapa kali, dan aku juga hobi nge jepret, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk mengesampingkan leptop demi DSLR!
23 Oktober 2011, aku dan mamah uda duduk manis di sebuah toko kamera digital di sebuah plaza. Tanya-tanya mana kamera dslr yang bagus. Setelah melalui berbagai observasi, terpilihlah 

Sempet ngerasa ini hanyalah sebuah mimpi #eaaa. Tak henti-hentinya mengucap syukur pada Tuhan dan berterimakasih sama mama dan ayah. Dan terimakasi kepada semua teman yang telah mendukung saya dan menyuport saya dan memijit2 tangan saya karena kecapean mengetuk pintu hati mamah dan ayah. Terimakasi pada pak sopir bis dan mas yang ngelayani di toko kamera, tanpa kalian semua saya tidak akan mulus untuk mendapatkan DSLR! #tenteng DSLR ala piala amy award.
Si canon ini uda pernah melancong kemana2, berhubung saya ikut ekskul AFOS (Aktifis Fotografi of SMAN 2) di sekolah jadi tiap ekskul selalu dibawa dan pernah memotret objek untuk dipamerkan di acara taunan fotografi di sekolah. Pernah ikut mengabadikan momen diklat SKI di trawas, momen2 disekolah sama temen2 sama keluarga.
Awalnya sih Cuma pengen beli kamera pocket ajalah yang tinggal mak..jepret! lagian ekskul afos juga Cuma seminggu sekali. Tapi karna ada hasutan dari berbagai media masa bahwa kamera pocket itu Hasil foto/gambar kurang memuaskan. Noise yang tinggi pada tingkat cahaya rendah. Lensa dan sensor yang kecil sehingga gambar yang terekam tidak mempunyai detail yang tajam. Tidak dapat menggunakan external flash. Baterai tidak tahan terlalu lama. Mudah hilang (ya karena kecil sih – gampang jatuh dari saku mungkin?). Warna / tone tidak natural atau sesuai dengan penglihatan mata kita (colour sering melenceng). Zoom yang terbatas dan biasanya pendek (optical), kalau digital zoom mengurangi resolusi gambar sehingga gambar menjadi pecah. Focus sering meleset apabila dalam pencahayaan rendah. Masalah red-eye sering timbul karena flash kurang tinggi posisinya dan bla bla bla. Kalo ada yang lebih bagus ya milih yang lebih bagus :D 



nandani ♥

Movies review here : Crazy Lil thing called love
Download The OST : CLTCL_OST

W a n D e u a n P e e (Day Month Year)
by J e a b

wun jun chun kauy yoo
ung karn gaw kauy doo
doo doo wah tur pen ngai
Monday, im waiting
tuesday, im still waiting to see you
to see, see how you're doing
poot tur gaw mai mah
chow sai gaw mai mee
preu hud wahng plau
wednesday you still don't come
nothing in the late morning
thursday is empty
sook reu sow reu wah ah tit
mai mee wun nai mai kid teung
mai mee wun nai tee tur ja jaun mah
soo wun gow gow kaung row
whether it's friday saturday or sunday
there isnt a day i dont think of you
there wont be a day when youll come back
to revisit our past
wun tee chun jur tur
wun tee dai glai gun
wun tee row joong meu
the day i met you
the day we became close
the day we held hands
wun tee chun ruk tur
wun tee chun pood pai
wun tee tur rub fung
the day i fell in love with you
the day i confessed it
the day that you heard it
eek naan mai chun gaw mai roo
eek gee deuan reu ja eek pee
gee meun pun lahn kwarn song jum tee mee
mai koey mai kid teung tor
will it be much longer? i just dont know
will it be several months or another year?
of the tens of thousands, countless memories we shared
ive never not thought of you
ma ga rah gaw yow naan
goom pah gaw lern larng
mee nah gaw young lern loy
may sah gaw raun ron
preu sa pah gaw took ton
mi too nah wahng plow
january is endless
february is dull
march is also vague
april im restless
may is painful
june is empty
eek naan mai chun gaw mai roo
eek gee deuan reu ja eek pee
gee meun pun lahn kwarn song jum tee mee
mai koey mai kid teung tor
will it be much longer? i just dont know
will it be several months or another year?
of the tens of thousands, countless memories we shared
ive never not thought of you
eek naan mai chun gaw mai roo
gee meun pun lahn kwarn song jum tee mee
mai koey mai kid teung tor
will it be much longer? i just dont know
of the tens of thousands, countless memories we shared
ive never not thought of you
by Marisa Sukosol


mai roo wa nan kae nai
tee chun dtong ton gup took sing
pid bung kwam jing nai jai took took yang
took krung tee rao pob gun
took krung tee ter hun ma
tee chun chey chey
roo mai chun fuen kae nai
dai yin mai
hua jai chun
mun gum lung bok ruk ruk ter yoo
te chun mai aht
ja pued puey jai
ohk pai hai krai dai roo
dai yin mai hua jai chun
yung koi yoo trong nun
ro hai ter pued doo
lae wung piyeng kae ter roo
suk wun neung
tung tee chun gaw ruk
tung tee chun gor roo suek
te suwan luek kang nai yung mai glah
(*, **)
dai yin mai
hua jai chun
mun gum-lung bok ruk ruk ter yoo
te chun mai aht
ja pued puey jai
ohk pai hai krai dai roo
dai yin mai hua jai chun
yung koi yoo trong nun ro hai ter pued doo
lae wung piyeng ter ja roo
wa kon kon nee ruk ter yoo
yung ko hai ter roo
suk wun neung


I don't know how much longer that I have to put up with you.
I've been hiding everything in my heart.
Everytime we meet each other, Everytime we face each other.
Though I am indifferent. Do you know how much have I have to force myself?
Can't you hear my heart calling for you, loving you.
But I can't release my heart out for anyone to know.
Can't you hear my heart's waiting there for you.
Waiting for you to feel it. I was hoping that you will realize someday.
Though I love you, though I feel (your love). But deep down inside, I can't dare to tell you.
(*, **)
Can't you hear my heart calling for you, loving you.
But I can't release my heart out for anyone to know.
Can't you hear my heart waiting there for you, waiting for you to feel it.
And I was hoping that you will realize that this woman still love you.
Anyway, some day, you will know......

A L i t t l e T h i n g C a l l e d L o v e
by W a n T h a n a k r i t

สิ่งเล็กๆที่เรียกว่ารัก (Sing lek lek ti riyek wa rak)

หากสิ่งที่เจอมันจะเพียงแค่บังเอิญ ก็คงจะเป็นความบังเอิญครั้งยิ่งใหญ่
hak sing tee jur man ja piyeng kae bang-ern
gaw kong ja pen kwam bang-ern kruhng ying yai
Meeting you could have just been an accident
It might have been a big coincidence

ทำให้ได้รู้ทันทีว่ารักเป็นเช่นไร ความหวั่นไหวที่ได้พบในวันนี้
tam hai dai roo tuhn tee waa rak pen chen rai
kwaam wan wai tee dai pob nai wan nee
It immediately made me know how love would be like
I found uncertainty today

เก็บอาการไว้จนในใจห้ามไม่อยู่ ไม่อยากให้รู้มีอะไรซ่อนในใจ
gep agarn wai jon nai jai ham mai yoo
mai yaak hai roo mee a-rai son nai jai
Kept symptoms in my heart that I can't stop
I don't want to know what's hidden in my heart

เป็นสิ่งเล็กเล็กในมุมลึกลับในหัวใจ เก็บเอาไว้เผื่อวันหนึ่งเธอจะรู้
pen sing lek lek nai moom luek luhb nai hua jai
geb aow wai puea wan nueng tur ja roo
It's the little things inside the deepest corners of the heart
I'm keeping it until the day you would know

สิ่งที่เล็กเล็กที่ฉันเรียก มันว่าความรัก
sing tee lek lek tee chun riyek
man wa kwam rak
It's a little thing that I call love

kae piyeng dai rak tao nan kong mai ying yai
It's only just the kind of love that isn't a big deal

แต่โลกของฉันนั้นหมุนไปด้วยหัวใจที่ได้รักเธอ เพราะเธอคือ…
tae lohk kong chun nun moon pai duay hua jai tee dai rak tur
praw tur kue …
But my world spins with my heart when I'm loving you
Because you are...

sing tee lek lek tee chun riak tur wa kwam rak
A little thing that I call love

เก็บคำว่ารักไม่กล้าพอจะพูดไป อยากให้เธอรู้ฉันรักเธอสุดหัวใจ
geb kuhm wa rak mai gla po ja pood pai
yak hai tur roo chun rak tur sood hua jai
Kept the word love cuz I'm not brave enough to say it
I want you to know I love you so much

วันพรุ่งนี้เป็นไง… หัวใจเป็นของเธอ
wan proong nee pen ngai … hua jai pen kong ter
How tomorrow would turn heart is yours
Verse 2

สิ่งที่เธอเห็นคงจะดูไม่ยิ่งใหญ่ ไม่ได้มีแรงบันดาลใจมากเพียงพอ
sing tee tur hen kong ja doo mai ying yai
mai dai mee raeng ban-dan jai mak piyeng po
The things you see might not be a big deal
Can't have enough of the inspiration

แต่ข้างในนั้นยังมีหัวใจที่เฝ้ารอ อยากให้เธอมองให้เห็นที่ตรงนี้
tae kang nai nan yuhng mee hua jai tee fao ro
yak hai tur mong hai hen tee trong nee
But deep inside my heart's looking after you
Want you to look over here and see it

สิ่งที่เล็กเล็กที่ฉันเรียก มันว่าความรัก
sing tee lek lek tee chun riyek
man wa kwam rak
It's a little thing that I call love

kae piyeng dai rak tao nan kong mai ying yai
It's only just the kind of love that isn't a big deal

แต่โลกของฉันนั้นหมุนไปด้วยหัวใจที่ได้รักเธอ เพราะเธอคือ…
tae lohk kong chun nun moon pai duay hua jai tee dai rak tur
praw tur kue …
But my world spins with my heart when I'm loving you
Because you are...

sing tee lek lek tee chun riak tur wa kwam rak
A little thing that I call love

geb kuhm wa rak mai gla po ja pood pai
Kept the word love cuz I'm not brave enough to say it

อยากให้เธอรู้รักใช้เหตุและผลเป็นไง หัวใจเป็นของเธอ
yak hai tur roo rak chai het lae pon pen ngai
hua jai pen kong tur
Want you to know that love is the the reason why
my heart is yours

Wan proong nee ko riyek tur wa kwam ruk
Tomorrow I'm asking you tol be called as love

B e c a u s e o f t h e H e a r t
by J i e a b W a t t a n a

อาจเคย ไม่เข้าใจเหมือนกัน
Aht koey
mai khao jai muean gun
Maybe before
we didn't understand each other
ว่าทำไมถึงเลือกเธอ ในหัวใจ
Wa tummai tueng luehk tur
nai hua jai
Why I chose you
in my heart
อาจเคย ได้เจอคนมากมาย แต่สุดท้ายก็เป็นเธอ ที่คู่กัน
Aht koey
dai jur kon mak mai
taw soodtay gaw pen tur tee koo guhn
Maybe before
I met a lot of people
But in the end, it's you that I became a couple with
รัก ไม่เป็นแค่เรื่องบังเอิญ
Rak mai pen kae rueang bang-ern
Love isn't just a coincidence
รัก เชื่อมใจไว้ด้วยกัน มีเพียงแต่ใจที่รู้
Rak chuem jai wai duay gun
mee piyeng tae jai tee roo
Love connects our minds together
it's only the heart that knows
ใครคือผู้อยู่ในฝัน เธอคือคนนั้นที่ฉันรอ
Krai kue poo yoo nai fuhn
tur kue kon nuhn tee chun ro
Who that person is in your dreams
you are that person i've been waiting for
ก็เพราะใจมันขอ เพราะใจเรียกร้อง
Gaw praw jai muhn ko
praw jai riyek rong
It's because my heart's asking
because my heart is crying out
Gued ma puea pen kong tur sah-mueh
Happened to be yours always
ก็เพราะใจของฉัน ไม่เคยหวั่นไหว
Gaw praw jai kong chun
mai koey wuhn wai
It's cuz my heart is never uncertain
Yang rai gaw yung muhn jai wa chai tur
It's like it's sure that it's you
ไม่มีเหตุผลที่มากมาย แค่ใจฉันรักเธอ
Mai mee hetpon tee mak mai
kae jai chun ruk tur
No other reasons, just that my heart loves you

Verse 2
หนึ่งคน ที่ยืนเคียงข้างกัน
Nueng kon
tee yuen kiehng kang gun
One person who's always beside me
ช่วงเวลาที่เป็นสุข หรือทุกข์ใจ
Chuwang wela tee pen sook rue took jai
Everytime i'm happy or sad
หนึ่งคน ที่ยังคงเข้าใจ
Nueng kon tee yung kong khao jai
One person who still understands me
ก็คงไม่ใช่ใครอื่น เรารู้กัน
Gaw mai chai krai uean
Rao roo guhn
Probably no one else will know me like you

S o m e D a y I ' l l b e G o o d E n o u g h
by B o d y s l am

อยากดีพอ ให้เธอได้มั่นใจ
Yak di po
hai tur dai mun jai
แต่ที่พอมี ก็แค่ทั่วๆ ไป
Teh tee po mee
gaw kae tu-tuwah pai
Kwam ching tee tur yuhng luhng le
yung mai te hai gun moht hua jai
กังวลว่าเธอจะเจอใคร ที่รักเธอเหมือนกัน
Gung-won wa tur ja jur krai
tee ruk tur muean gun
ฉันก็เลยแค่ขอให้ . . . เธอ
Chun gaw luey kae ko hai...tur

Chorus 1
เธออย่าเพิ่งไปบอกรักใคร รอฉันได้หรือไม่
Tur yah pueng pai bok rak krai
ro chun dai rue mai
Wan tee chun ja dee po
yak ja ko wela noy
muhn kong mai nan guen pai

Verse 2
tur pen kon dee tee krai khao tong gahn
Tur pen kon diow tee krai gaw fao fuhn
yung ngai gaw yung ja ching jung
gaw ko tum took tang sood hua jai
ทำดีให้เท่าที่คิดไว้ อยากให้เราได้คู่กัน
tum dee hai taow tee kid wai
yak hai rao dai koo gun
ฉันก็เลยแค่ขอให้ . . . เธอ
Chun gaw ley kae ko hai...tur
Tur yang pueng pai bok rak krai
รอฉันได้หรือไม่ วันที่ฉันจะดีพอ
Ro chun dai rue mai
Wan tee chun ja dee po
Yak ja ko wela dai mai
เธอ ก็แค่อยากให้เรารักกัน
tur gaw kae yak hai rao rak gun
ฉันต้องทำให้ได้ คงมีสักวัน
Chun tong tum hai dai
kong mee suk wan
Kae yah plur pai mee krai
yung ngai gaw roh gun noy
Yung ngai gaw yung ja yuen yuhn
yak hai rao dai koo gun
Chun gaw luey ja ko hai tur
ฉันต้องทำให้ได้ คงมีสักวัน
Chun tong tum hai dai
kong mee suk wan
Kae yah plur pai mee krai
yung ngai gaw roh gun noy
(ให้เธอช่วยรอกันหน่อย ให้เธอช่วยรอฉันได้รึเปล่า)
Hai tur chuay roh gun noy
Hai tur chuay ro chun dai rue plao
Someday I’ll good enough
I wanna be good enough to make you feel confident
But the things that I’ve just general
Coz the truth is you still hesitate
And you not gave your whole heart
I concern that you’ll found someone whom love you too
So I just wish you to…
Just don’t let to say you love him
Please wait a minute coz one day I’ll good enough
Please give me a time and it’s not too long
You’re so good of everyone desire
You’re the one that everyone dreaming of
And I’m still seriously to do everything as I can
To make it good enough as much as I thought
To be a couple
So I wish you to…

I just want us to love each other
I must make it done in one day
Just don’t let to say you love him and please waiting for me
I’m still to assure to make us belong together so I wish you to
(Please wait for me, Can you waiting for me?)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

nandani ♥

Shone!! XD

Hahaha, a super handsome and cute student named Shone has successfully hypnotized many women who watched this movie, Crazy Little Thing called Love a.k.a First Love. He is played by Mario Maurer. I like this Shone character very much, because although he is handsome and popular he still behaves sweetly toward Nam. He always bring the CAMERA :D
My favorite scenes are:

1. When Shone bought 4 cups of Pepsi for Nam & her friends! OMG which girl won't fall in love with someone like that, I ask you? :D

2. When Shone got punished in front of the class. He danced like an idiot (haha) but his face was so cute! He is so adorable! I always like to see him dance.

3. When Shone and Nam was having conversation about squids on the bridge! Ayyyy, Shone's so handsome there, and it could be seen how soft his heart is. Btw, I loved Nam's clothes at that moment! And the scenery was awesome! Hope I can be there with someone I love. ^^

4. When Shone suddenly popped up in bunny form! Hahahaha I mean, OMG, that was super silly! But sweet! His handsome face wearing that bunny teeth and ears? And his stupid-expression was really twisting my heart! :p

5. When Nam confessed her love to Shone, till she cried, and when she found out the truth about Shone & Pin, her face, really made me wanna cry, too!

6. Of course, when Shone opened up his scrapbook! How could a guy do this kind of thing? He wrote the stories and memories down, and his words were way too sweet! Then the truth was revealed! All the things that he had done for Nam, and the fact that all the things Nam had done for him actually touched his heart (he knew it!) are so unbearably romantic!

Also, there are some stuffs that really keep the memories:
1. Smiley Button
2. Bitten Apple
3. Plaster
4. Lover Squids
5. White Roses
6. Love Method Book
7. Mangoes
8. Football
9. Scooter
10. Marching Band Stick

Watching this movie really brings back memories. Junior Hi-School memories where we experienced monkey love, fought in friendship, and searched for our true-selves. When we felt in love, we did everything, anything, just to make him notice us. I was crying, too when Nam was singing that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday song to her friends. So touching! That's what our friendship like in Junior Hi, we fought, but then we became friends again. And when Nam and her friends were writing their 'joint-diary'

Anyway, then, I thought Shone only loved Nam because she had turned into a beautiful girl, but then I realized that I was wrong. But I still couldn't believe it, how could Shone love her? He didn't even know her. And Nam was not pretty so it couldn't be love at first sight, could it? But this movie is based on a true story! Makes me even harder to believe it. Yet, I have to admit that it's possible. That love sees the invisible, just like faith. :D Hope you together live happily ever after Shone & Nam, and so do I.
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